SBA AWARDS AND ENTRIESEach year at the Annual Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association Banquet trophies are awarded in the following categories.
| New Record: This award is presented to the member whose animal surpasses the previous club record. First: This award is given to the member who takes the first animal of a recognized species. Citations: These are presented to all members who take animals that meet or surpass the Pope & Young minimum qualifications. Photo Contest: Awards are given for best photo in each of the following categories:
Other prestigious awards (clICK FOR DETAILS):BILL WADSWORTH AWARDSaskatchewan Super Slam Award |
Submit your animal(s) to the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association: |
Send an email to the SBA Records Chairperson with all of the required information. Be sure to attach your completed Animal Entry Form, harvest photo & score sheet to your email. Email: Please ensure your harvest photo is print quality (minimum 300dpi resolution). |