The Primary Goals of the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association (SBA) are:

  • To promote and improve bowhunting in the province of Saskatchewan
  • To promote conservation and ethical hunting practices
  • To honor the magnificent animals that we love to pursue and love to observe
  • To lobby for improved hunting opportunities for all bowhunters of Saskatchewan game

Where do we work?

Our executive maintains a presence with several provincial boards and associations in the interest of promotion and improvement of archery opportunities for all Saskatchewan hunters.

WAC - The Wildlife Advisory Committee provides guidance to the Ministry of Environment when determining hunting and fishing seasons in the province of Saskatchewan.

FWDF - The Fish and Wildlife Development Fund is made up of 30% of the revenue collected from the sales of hunting, trapping and fishing licenses in Saskatchewan. The FWDF uses this money to manage, preserve and enhance fish and wildlife habitat in the province.

SaskTIP - The SBA is proud to support SaskTIP and to sit on their Board of Directors. SaskTIP is a registered charity which maintains a reward fund to assist in the apprehension and prosecution of those who violate resources and environmental laws. It was formed to help Conservation Officers convict poachers of all types.

CWD Working Group - The Chronic Wasting Disease Working Group is led by Saskatchewan's Ministry of Environment and includes representatives from a number of organizations across the province that are affected by this disease. The group is in place to monitor the disease and to work to limit the spread of CWD.

BOard of directors

                           NAME                                             POSITION         CENTRE                #

Stephen Pollock

President/Wildlife Advisory Committee


(306) 361-6917

Darrell SenebaldVice President/FWDF/SaskTipSaskatoon(306) 221-3821
Ed Bergen  Wildlife Advisory Committee/Banquet Co-ordinatorDrake(306) 365-7581
Brad BergenTreasurerDrake(306) 221-8297
Colin PrattSecretaryHumboldt(306) 231-0882
Kyle Wagner Membership Chairman  Warman(306) 290-4754
Ryan BerghAwards Book Editor Porcupine Plain(306) 278-2172
Kerri Lovelace-RajczakowskiCutting Edge Editor/CWD Working Group Regina(306) 757-0433
Hunter FrankfurtFundraising/Yorkton Show Yorkton(306) 620-8607

Cameron Donovan



(306) 461-5317

Trevor BergenRecords & AwardsDrake(306) 360-7933
Kassandra Agarand Saskatoon Show/Social Media/CWD Working GroupSaskatoon (306) 203-1156
Brendon EhrhardtFundraising - Awards Book Craik(306) 734-7494
Bryce GodinFundraising Yorkton

(306) 516-7288

Nick KalnickiDirector Langham (306) 491-5479
​Tyler HarrisDirectorWarman(306) 747-5882

8 photo(s) Updated on: 22 Jul 2022

Saskatchewan Bowhunters History

Fifty years ago in January of 1970 a small group of bowhunters gathered together and formed the Saskatchewan Provincial Bowhunters or “Sask Pro Bowhunters” as they were known back then.

Founding members included Archie and Atley Lovelace, Terry Graburn, Gary Thackray and Ed Luchekski.   Joining as members that first year were Les Anderson, Gary Benson, Lauren Carlson, Roland Fenwick, John Fogarty, Allan Hilchie, Alva Lovelace and Ray Mastel .  Originally founded as a records keeping organization, this handful of dedicated people laid the cornerstone and built the foundation from which has risen the Saskatchewan Bowhunters  Association.  From these humble beginnings evolved a multi-faceted organization that has served as a voice for the bowhunters of the province and is directly responsible for the varied and lengthy hunting seasons we have enjoyed over the past 50 years.  The founding fathers of our organization were motivated by what they deemed the necessity of establishing an organization solely for the hunting archer.  The roots of this infant association have spread slowly over the years and now firmly embrace the outermost corners of the province.  From the original 25 members to the present approximately 700, we are all bound by one entity, that being the love of bowhunting.  The past 50 years have seen the best that Mother Nature has to offer, bountiful game, untouched grasslands and pristine forests.  The future however, may not be so bright for generations to come.  Loss of habitat, wildlife diseases such as CWD, reduced bag limits and the anti hunter/ anti firearm crowd may well combine to draw the noose tighter.  Thanks to the foresight of that visionary group of bowhunters we have inherited a strengthening organization that has in the past and will in the future continue to negotiate on behalf of every Bowhunter in our province and endeavor to educate the future bowhunters.

It matters not from which area of the province you hail, north, south, east or west.  The common thread is representation.  Without the strong representation and a unified voice, we are left to the whims of the government bureaucrats; they alone would decide the fate of the Bowhunter in Saskatchewan.  It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to ensure that our children, and their children, if they so choose, have the opportunity to experience the crack of a twig on a still autumn evening, and thrill to the sight of a whitetail deer browsing towards their treestand or hear a bull elk bugle thru the forest.  The ecstasy of a good hit or the gut-wrenching feel of a shot gone wrong.  A gift beyond monetary value that will be forever treasured.  The lines have been drawn, we can choose to let the decisions be made for us and accept what has been offered or we can control our own destiny.  Continued membership in our organization guarantees you that your interest is being taken care of by someone who cares.  

As we look back on the past fifty years and look forward to the next 50 years, we reflect back on some of the accomplishments of the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association.

In 1970: There was a two tiered membership.  A regular member required a minimum of 3 animals, 2 of which were different species harvested with a bow. An associate membership was for anyone not yet meeting regular membership qualifications. At the annual meeting in 1987, a motion to remove the old two tiered membership was passed by a show of hands.

In 1972: a person who drew a draw  Mule deer licence  in the big game draw could hunt in the archery season. In 1976 an Archery draw season for Antelope was introduced.

From 1976- 1978 an archery Whitetail license was only valid during archery season.  An unsuccessful Bowhunter could not purchase a licence for the rifle season.  Many hunters quit archery whitetail hunting due to low success rates. From 1979-1986 an unsuccessful archer could purchase a regular whitetail license by turning in his unused archery whitetail license at any department office.  He had to pay to purchase the new licence.

In 1982:  the “Sask – Pro Bowhunters became the “Saskatchewan Bowhunters”  In 1982 an archery moose draw season was introduced in zone 32 which included Bronson recreation site.  In 1987  Whitetail licenses became valid through all archery, muzzleloader and rifle season.  This certainly reduced the cost for unsuccessful bowhunters as they no longer had to purchase 2 license's to shoot one deer.  In 1988:regular archery moose season was introduced in zones 55 and 68.  Unfilled licenses could be used later in the rifle seasons.

In 1990: “Association” was added to the Saskatchewan Bowhunters name, thus becoming “Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association”.  Also in 1990 a regular archery elk license was introduced in limited zones.  Unfilled licenses were not valid in rifle seasons and anyone purchasing an archery license could not purchase a regular elk license.  In 1992 regular elk licenses were valid in an archery season. Unfilled licenses were valid during regular rifle season.

In 1993: the draw archery licence was eliminated and regular archery mule deer seasons were introduced.  A person entering the big game draw could hunt in archery season or rifle seasons if he drew a licence.

In 1984-1987 in  zones 58-61- Two free bear tags were available with each valid hunting license.  If a person bought 2 bear, 2 either sex whitetail , 1 elk and 1 moose licence you could get 12 free bear tags for a total of 14 bear licences.  To help save the bear population, the SBA only accepted 2 bear entries per person.  In 1988 there was a threat to eliminate the bear season but the decision was made to drop the limit to one bear.  In 2011 regular archery mule deer licenses became valid in any zone that offered more than 50 either sex draw licenses.  In 2017 a proposal to eliminate archery mule deer season was met with much disapproval from the SBA.  With a very well organized campaign, meetings with the Minister of Environment and support from archers across the Province, the SBA was able to save the archery mule deer season.  In 2018 the proposal to eliminate the regular mule deer archery season resurfaced and once again was again rejected due to the strong convictions of the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association.  Our archery mule deer hunting opportunities have become the envy of bowhunters and rifle hunters across North America.

As an organization, we want to be the “Voice of the Bowhunter” but we are also more.  We host an annual awards banquet and awards night where all animals taken over the past year are honored.   We recognize the successful hunters who have harvested the best animal of each species.  Every year a top quality awards book is printed. Almost all animals entered are featured in the book along with records from over the years.  News letters are electronically sent to members on a regular bases and have many informative articles and stories.  This year, on April 17th, 18th and 19th as we celebrate our 50th anniversary right here in Saskatoon, bowhunters will be able to take in seminars on elk calling and other topics.  Bowhunters will be talking to each other and often little tips will help a novice become a better hunter.

Many individual members of the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association should be very proud of their bowhunting accomplishments.  We as an organization are proud that many of our members have taken world class animals that sit amongst some of the best in North America.  Many of those accomplishments are an indirect result of the commitment and dedication of the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association to improving bowhunting opportunities here in Saskatchewan. 

Where would we, as bowhunters be today, if the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association had not had our backs for the past 50 years?  Would you and I be able to hunt whitetail and mule deer, moose, and elk every year, in a time frame specifically set aside for bowhunters.  My guess is not very likely!

Ask yourself this question, “How can I help”.  

There are several ways that you can help.  First and foremost, buy yourself a membership in the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association.  There is great strength in numbers and the more members we represent, the more our governments listen to us.  The cost to do this is less than the cost of a top quality broadhead tipped arrow!   

Secondly, the Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association is always looking for new and energetic people to sit on our board of directors.  You can become a strong ally in the “Voice of the Bowhunter”

And finally, be an ethical hunter and a good example to all hunters. 

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