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Saskatchewan Super Slam Award

This award is presented to each member bowhunter who, through his/her bowhunting career harvests a specimen of each native big game species which qualifies for entry into the Pope & Young Club record book. This award is intended to recognize the outstanding knowledge and ability of the bowhunter to harvest what is arguably the most elusive specimens of each species.

Ron Bodnarchuk of Birch Hills, SK:  Is the first recipient of this award. Ron has demonstrated his incredible skills throughout the years. Ron has always maintained the utmost in ethical behaviour and represents a model of the skills, abilities and determination necessary to attain excellence in the field.

Brian Stein: Became the second recipient of the Saskatchewan Super Slam in 2008 by taking the Pope & Young Moose. Brian has been hunting seriously with a bow since 1982. He has since won many awards including Bowhunter of the Year four times plus numerous individual awards for Pope & Young animals harvested. He has harvested well over one hundred big game animals in his lengthy bowhunting career. Congratulations Brian.

Judy Bergen: Is the third Saskatchewan Bowhunter Association member to be successful in harvesting all six Saskatchewan big game animals with scores that qualify for our records ( P+Y minimum). Judy completed this feat by taking a 302 7/8 inch Elk and a 184 6/8 inch Moose in 2008. An accomplished bowhunter; Judy has won the Lady Bowhunter of the Year 22 times, Saskatchewan Bowhunter of the Year 5 times and North American Bowhunter of the Year 3 times.

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